Sport and exercise
In 2016, the National Knowledge Agenda for Sport and Exercise, from stairway to podium, was realised through intensive cooperation between higher professional education (hbo) and academic education (wo), which is unique in the Netherlands. The main themes of the National Knowledge Agenda for Sport and Physical Activity are Better Performance, Lifelong Movement and The Value(s) of Sport.
Big data and data science are the connecting factors between the themes. This multidisciplinary agenda, widely supported by the field, has been developed by both professors and professors on behalf of the entire research field. This is done in close consultation with the field of sport and exercise, but also with governments and the business community).
The use of big data and data science is essential to come to new insights in the field of sports research. With methods such as data mining, text and image analysis, machine learning and visual analytics, robust and interesting patterns in data can be discovered.
The discipline also uses generating techniques such as sensor technology that make it possible to make analyses and predictions on an individual level. Thanks to data science it is also possible to analyse which environmental factors influence individual sports and exercise (see: NWA route Sport and Exercise).
Role of NWO
NWO finances Sport and Exercise in cooperation with the Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport (VWS), NWO Exact and Natural Sciences, the National Regieorgaan Praktijkgericht Onderzoek SIA and NOC*NSF. ZonMw is responsible for the implementation of the programme.
Sport and Exercise 2017
The Research Programme Sport and Exercise 2017 is in line with the Knowledge and Innovation Agenda Sport 2015-2020. The Research Programme aims to strengthen multidisciplinary research, including data science, in the field of (top) sport and physical activity and to stimulate the use of results (knowledge and data). The programme is aimed at short-term research projects (maximum two years).
Applications must fit in with the three themes of the National Knowledge Agenda for Sport and Physical Activity: Better Performance, Lifelong Movement, The Value(s) of Sport. In addition, the research should be in line with the theme Sport and Movement of the National Science Agenda.
More about the research programme Sport and Physical Activity 2017 can be found here.
Related projects
Bekijk hieronder de Projecten gerelateerd aan het thema Sport and exercise
Active4Life; optimization of use and effects of eHealth
Regular physical activity (PA) reduces the risks of multiple health problems among all age groups, also when health problems are already present. This project aims to generate new scientific and practical knowledge and insights relevant to stimulate and maintain PA in different subpopulations of adults (adults, older adults, healthy and patient populations) using innovative online interventions. We explicitly focus on vulnerable populations, such as people with low education, low digital and health skills ((e-)health literacy), as they are most deprived with regard to both their health as well as their PA.
Smart Sports Exercises
The Smart Sports Exercises project (2018-2021) was carried out with funding by ZonMw for two years as part of the ZonMw research programme Sports and Movement This project researched and developed new forms of sports training for volleyball. To this end we worked with a special playing field: an interactive floor that can display graphics and video. In addition, the floor contains unobtrusive pressure sensors.
Related calls
Bekijk hieronder de Calls gerelateerd aan het thema Sport and exercise
Take-off phase 1 autumn 2023
Enterprising scientists who want to investigate whether it is feasible to commercially apply an innovative research result can apply for funding via Take-off phase 1-Feasibility studies WO. This program is aimed at stimulating and supporting economic activity and entrepreneurship on the basis of science.
Take-Off fase 1 voorjaar 2023
Ondernemende wetenschappers die willen onderzoeken of het haalbaar is om een innovatief onderzoeksresultaat commercieel toe te passen, kunnen financiering aanvragen via Take-off fase 1 - Haalbaarheidsstudies WO. Dit programma is gericht op het stimuleren en ondersteunen van bedrijvigheid en ondernemerschap vanuit de wetenschap.
Data2Person: Top-up for societal impact
The goal of this Call for proposals is to increase the societal impact of results from ongoing Data2Person research projects. In the Data2Person programme, multidisciplinary research is financed which contributes to effective, efficient and responsible personal empowerment methods for a healthy future society.
Take-off phase 1 - Spring 2022
Ondernemende wetenschappers die willen onderzoeken of het haalbaar is om een innovatief onderzoeksresultaat commercieel toe te passen, kunnen financiering aanvragen via Take-off fase 1: Haalbaarheidsstudies WO.
Take-off phase 1 - Spring 2022
Ondernemende wetenschappers die willen onderzoeken of het haalbaar is om een innovatief onderzoeksresultaat commercieel toe te passen, kunnen financiering aanvragen via Take-off fase 1: Haalbaarheidsstudies WO.
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