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GASPADA : Analysis and Vizualization of Hetrogeneous Spatio-temporal Data
Movements of vehicles, people and animals are nowadays increasingly measured and stored, thanks to technologies such as GPS. An important example is digital traces (tracks) of the routes taken by cars. Not only the route points, but also the times of measurement are stored, so that speed along the tracks can be determined anywhere.
EciDA: Evolutionary Changes in Distributed Analysis
The objective of this TKI proposal is: to develop and set up an IoT and (big) data-driven analysis platform that enables on-the-fly changes of data sources and changing data analysis steps and parameters over time to adapt to the changing environmental situation.
Andamoose/ Daccompli
In the 'Dynamic Data Analytics through automatically Constructed Machine Learning Pipelines' project, the data dynamics of two focus projects are investigated.
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