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Nedap Livestock Management
Nedap Livestock Management makes a valuable contribution to
Sufficient food for a growing world population
The world’s population is growing more rapidly than ever. In 2050, more than 9 billion people will live on earth. Meeting the demand for food will pose a challenge for the agricultural sector. Ensuring efficiency and increasing productivity will be essential. So will attention to animal welfare, sustainability, and the safety and quality of food. Technology is a solution.
We believe technology can provide an important contribution to resolve significant issues, so technology serves people instead of the other way around. We’ve been doing this since 1929 as an exchange-listed company with over 700 people, 11 offices worldwide and 8 different business units, with one of these units being Nedap Livestock Management.
Gerelateerde projects
Bekijk hieronder de Projecten gerelateerd aan het thema Nedap Livestock Management
The Youngsters - Artificial Intelligence at the edge to support young animals for a sustainable smart farming
De eerste dagen in het leven van jonge dieren worden gezien als een kritieke periode. Extra aandacht van de verzorger en alertheid is vereist.