Protection of electricity networks through simulation

Het project behandelt het ontwerp van een nieuw simulatieplatform voor het electriciteitsnetwerk. Het kan met behulp van betere metingen en big data verstoringen beter detecteren, en kan verspreiding van verstoringen voorkomen. Project Updates Februari 2020 - Q&A met dr. Marjan Popov

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Verslag: Workshop ‘Data-driven Innovations for the Energy Transitions’
On Thursday, September 21st, the Commit2Data community focused on energy came together with the NL AIC working group on Energy & Sustainability at Mondai House of AI. With the Commit2Data program approaching its end, goal of this workshop was to ...
27 October 2023
Awards of the Take-Off call Cluster Commit2Data
In the spring 2021 round of Take-off 33 feasibility studies are given the green light. New this year is Take-off phase 1 cluster Commit2Data, for which three feasibility studies have been awarded around big data and data analytics....
20 September 2021

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