Throughout the years, ESCF constantly kept discussing and exploring key topics with our members. To match the growth and potential of the ESCF eco-system, the ESCF value delivery is updated in 2018. Together with our members, ESCF updated their delivery and way of work to optimally connect talent, knowledge and network. To accelerate learning, the ESCF team expands and communities are set up to enrich the already existing eco-system. Data2Move, Fast Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG) and ESCF High Tech Community (EHTC) are established as network-drive, participatory and action-oriented ESCF communities. In 2020, the Servitization community joins the ESCF eco-system.
Workshops are organized for each community, fully dedicated to topics in the interest of that specific community. The ESCF Executive Table, including supply chain executives of our full members, co-creates the ESCF strategy. This way, we hear the voice of our entire eco-system to decide upon our strategy.
We focus on connecting network, knowledge and talent by:
Providing a global, interactive platform for our members to exchange key supply chain and operations management solutions and best-in-class operating practices, adhering to fundamental ethical principles.
Promoting the application of world-class research into supply chain and operations management phenomena to opportunity areas in member companies.
Facilitating joint projects to encourage innovation and provide competitive advantage to members’ supply chains.
Providing a full-service talent development package, including the full range of training for (future) supply chain and operations management professionals.