Dagstuhl publication Commit2Data program
Commit2Data was a Dutch research and innovation program focused on the application of big data research in various sectors. The program, which ran from 2016 to 2024, focused not only on academic research on applications of big data, but also on disse...
10 December 2024

Real-time Data-Driven Maintenance Logistics - Innovation in Data-Driven Maintenance Logistics
As part of the C2D project Real-time Data-driven Maintenance Logistics, researchers and companies collaborate to optimize maintenance processes through real-time data. In an interview with Willem van Jaarsveld (TU/e), one of the lead researchers, the...
22 October 2024

Rhythm as the Key to Social Resilience in Urban Environments
In a time when urban communities face increasingly complex challenges, Caroline Nevejan, professor at the University of Amsterdam, along with her team, launched the innovative project Designing Rhythms for Social Resilience (DRSR). This project combi...
22 October 2024

RATE Analytics: Human-in-the-loop
The project RATE Analytics: Next Generation Predictive Analytics for Data-Driven Banking and Insurance is a groundbreaking research initiative focused on developing reliable and transparent analytical methods for the financial sector. This project wa...
22 October 2024

ToGRIP: Grip on Goods Travel: logistics and traffic management together
Traffic and the logistics sector are under pressure due to increasing congestion and the growth of goods flows. To address these challenges, the project ToGRIP – a part of Commit2Data – was launched. The aim of ToGRIP is to achieve better integration...
20 September 2024

The Intersection of Art and Data: The Art Datis Project and the Legacy of Sybren Valkema
The Art Datis project, launched in September 2018, was originally conceived as a four-year project involving two PhD candidates: an art historian and glass artist (Anna Carlgren) and a data scientist (Vera Provatorova). Their task was to examine Valk...
16 July 2024

Multidimensional Big Data Modeling for Reliable Electricity Supply
Weather patterns cause significant fluctuations in weather in Europe and in the potential supply of energy from renewable sources. Weather conditions can jeopardize the long-term system adequacy of a low-carbon energy system. A robust and reliable en...
02 July 2024

Kids First, towards a pedagogical sport climate
Kids First, towards a pedagogical sport climate is the title of a major study conducted at sports clubs to create a pedagogical sports environment 'on the ground.' A pedagogical sports climate centers on the child, focusing on a development-oriented,...
16 May 2024

Smart Sports Exercises: Intelligent Sports Exercises
In spring 2024, we spoke with Dr. ir. Dennis Reidsma. Dennis is an associate professor at the Human Media Interaction group and a lecturer in the Creative Technology and Interaction Technology programs at the University of Twente. Dennis's research f...
19 April 2024

DiaGame: Gamification for the Education of Patients with Diabetes
In spring 2024, we spoke with project leaders Natal van Riel and Annelies Bobelyn from TU/e. Natal is a professor of Biomedical Systems Biology in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Eindhoven University of Technology, where he leads the Comp...
19 April 2024

CIMPLO - Cross-Industry Predictive Maintenance Optimization Platform
Almost every enterprise has to deal with it: maintenance of machines and infrastructure. Traditional maintenance concepts rely on a 'fixed interval approach', taking into account a considerable safety margin. As a result, maintenance almost always oc...
23 February 2024

Real-Time Data for Products to Move Data-Driven Real-Time Decision Making in Supply Chains and Logistics
The project, here referred to as Data2Move, was started in 2017. The goal of Data2Move is to develop and demonstrate real-time data-driven logistic methods and techniques, initially focusing on inventory and transportation. Over the past years, signi...
27 November 2023

Virtual Interiors as Interfaces for Big Historical Data Research
The Semantic Web needs interfaces for critical, reliable analyses of Big Data for research in humanities, cultural heritage, and creative industries. Utilizing data on the production and consumption of cultural goods, geodata, maps, and building plan...
21 November 2023

How can mathematics solve your data science challenge? Sign up for the Study Group
Mathematics provides a surprising amount of techniques to solve challenges in data science. Does your company have such challenges but no time to look into them? Or would you like to strengthen your contacts in the academic world? Would you like to m...
17 November 2023

Verslag: Workshop ‘Data-driven Innovations for the Energy Transitions’
On Thursday, September 21st, the Commit2Data community focused on energy came together with the NL AIC working group on Energy & Sustainability at Mondai House of AI. With the Commit2Data program approaching its end, goal of this workshop was to ...
27 October 2023

Utopia: Universal Three-dimensiOnal Passport for process Individualization in Agriculture
Joost Batenburg and Robert van Liere are the leaders of this project, which runs from fall 2020 to fall 2025. We spoke with them halfway through the research and received an extensive explanation of their shared future vision for the food industry; w...
13 October 2023

Project Update: Deep Learning to Extract Biomarkers for the Diagnosis and Personalized Treatment of Neuropsychiatric Disorders
Mental disorders have a significant impact on people's lives. Swift recovery depends on accurate diagnosis and treatment. However, the absence of objective criteria to determine a patient's specific psychiatric condition (and the most suitable treatm...
10 October 2023

Project Update: Follow-up Project Physicians Implement Exercise as Medicine (PIE=M)
PIE=M stands for Physicians Implement Exercise as Medicine. This project ran from September 2018 until the end of 2020.
The PIE=M project focused on the potential to provide patients with exercise advice to promote a healthier lifestyle, prevent and ...
10 October 2023

iBestuur: "Has the cloud made us safer?"
The concept of cloud computing has been around for almost 30 years. This raises the question of whether the phenomenon has made the digital ecosystem on Earth safer or not. This is the central question of the research project MASCOT, which stands for...
06 October 2023

CARRIER Projectupdate 2023
The CARRIER team is developing personalized lifestyle interventions to reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases (primary prevention) or to prevent them from worsening (secondary prevention). They aim to tailor lifestyle interventions to ...
13 June 2023

Newsletter NWA route AI and Big Data
The NWA route AI and Big Data is in full swing, and during the session organized at ICT.Open 2023, it was noticed how many people are involved in or interested in the route, and that it is becoming a real community. That's why we have started collect...
13 June 2023

Smart Connected Bikes: Enhancing Cycling Experience with Technology
Cycling is popular in the Netherlands and continues to grow in popularity. In recent years, record numbers of e-bikes have been sold in the country. While the increasing popularity of e-bikes has many advantages, the number of traffic accidents invol...
25 May 2023

CERTIF-AI: Certification of the quality of the production process through artificial intelligence
A consortium of academic and industrial partners, led by Jheronimus Academy of Data Science (JADS) and Technische Universiteit Eindhoven (TU/e), is collaborating on the development of an Artificial Intelligence (AI) toolkit, consisting of algorithms ...
19 May 2023

The Youngsters - Artificial Intelligence at the edge to support young animals for a sustainable smart farming
This project investigates how a combination of different sensor methods and artificial intelligence technologies, which can detect behavior (including interaction), position, activity, weight, temperature and heart rate on or in the environment of yo...
19 May 2023

STRAP: Self TRAcking for Prevention and diagnosis of heart disease
The goal of STRAP is to detect heart disease early and/or prevent heart disease. To achieve this goal, fundamental research is conducted using creative methods, big data, and new techniques. Rather than focusing on early prevention, encouraging weigh...
08 May 2023

SMART-AGENTS project update
The SMART-AGENTS project conducts research with a view to developing symbiotic networks of collaborative agents (drones) to solve challenges in logistics, agriculture and other areas. The project proposes a new multi-drone scenario to create a collab...
28 April 2023

Project update - Power4FitFoot
Reducing the number of sick individuals and improving healthcare is our goal. Healthcare is one of the largest expenditures, totaling around 75 billion euros annually. What if you could significantly reduce this amount by warning people in advance of...
04 April 2023

Next UPPS - Ultra-Personalised Products and Services
Products designed for mass production often do not align well with individual needs, sometimes requiring an exact and personalized fit. Emerging digital technologies such as 3D scanners, cloud services, and advanced manufacturing make true 'mass cust...
04 April 2023

Smart Sensors and Predictive Maintenance in Steel Production (SUPREME)
Maintenance is essential to ensure the availability, reliability, and cost-effectiveness of technical systems such as the production facilities of Tata Steel. However, the degradation of systems is a dynamic process, influenced by changes in both the...
04 April 2023

Project Update - Data Logistics 4 Logistics Data
Sharing data is the cornerstone on which digital collaboration in logistics rests. Therefore, data sharing is crucial for increasing efficiency, reducing costs, and alleviating pressure on infrastructure and the environment. Additionally, digital col...
03 April 2023

DISTANT - Defending against Implementation attackS Through mAchiNe learning Technique
Chip cards such as bank cards or cards used in public transport are sought-after targets for attackers who often use side-channels to attack them. DISTANT is focused on the development of automated frameworks capable of assessing various potential si...
30 March 2023

GASPADA project update: it’s all about movement
What do gnus on the African savanna have in common with cars making their way through Eindhoven? It may sound odd, but to professor Bettina Speckmann and her co-workers in the GASPADA-project gnus and cars are not that different. It’s all about movem...
30 March 2023

MASCOT - MeAsuring Security in Cloud OuTsourcing
In the business world and for the government, an increasing number of organizations are migrating their IT to the cloud. One of the arguments for this is security, for two commonly cited reasons. Firstly, cloud providers have highly qualified personn...
27 March 2023

SQIREL Graph Database Systems
In this project, we are studying the design of graph database systems. The term 'graph' refers to its mathematical meaning: it involves data that takes the form of a network. While this is evident in social networks and telecommunication networks, gr...
27 March 2023

Project Update: Enabling Personalized Interventions - EPI
The general goal of EPI is to investigate ways to make health-related data, which may be located at different organizations, available for analysis to support personalized self and joint management during medical interventions or treatments. This sho...
02 March 2023

Project update: Resilient Athletes
That is the research question the project led by dr. Ruud den Hartigh (Associate Professor of Talent Development & Creativity at the Department of Psychology at RuG) has been focusing on since the fall of 2019. We spoke to Ruud in November 2022.
10 February 2023

Mydigitwin: Using Big-Data to put a cardiovascular digital twin into the hands of people
Project MyDigiTwin is a national Big-Data research initiative where individuals can build a digital twin. This is accomplished through artificial intelligence using data derived from hundreds of thousands of people. The concept is that individuals in...
10 February 2023

Active4Life; optimization of use and effects of eHealth
The majority of the chronically ill (84%) and of the less educated adults and elderly (72%) do not get enough exercise. For these groups, even a little more exercise would have major health benefits. Active4Life investigates how to encourage adults a...
18 January 2023

Project Update: Data-driven shared decision making on cancer treatment for individual patients
In early November, we spoke to project leader Prof Emiel Krahmer and PhD candidate Saar Hommes from Tilburg University's Department of Communication & Cognition about this data2person project. Emiel is professor of Language, Cognition and Computa...
06 December 2022

WheelPower: wheelchair sports and data science push it to the limit
The Netherlands won 59 medals and finished fifth in the medal standings at the 2021 Tokyo Paralympic Games. TeamNL athletes captured 25 gold, 17 silver and 17 bronze medals. To maintain and even strengthen this position in this rapidly professionalis...
31 October 2022

Project Update: Inquiry into effectiveness and efficiency of self-monitoring based management of Multiple Sclerosis
In late September 2022 - in the middle of this project around digital self-monitoring - we spoke to Lotte Krabbenborg (Radboud University) and Sonja Cloosterman (MS sherpa, formerly Orikami). Lotte Krabbenborg is associate professor of Science in Soc...
24 October 2022

Project Update EDIC: Exceptional and Deep Intelligent Coach
Measurement brings knowledge
Can we create an artificial coach that is perceived by the user as truly convincing and reliable, supporting the user in his/her self-management and supporting the development and maintenance of a healthy lifestyle?This i...
13 October 2022

BLISS: Behaviour based Language Interactive Speaking Systems
Language scientists Helmer Strik and Iris Hendrickx from Radboud University are working on an innovative Dutch-language chatbot. After the research, their chatbot should be able to talk to people about their personal well-being and happiness....
26 September 2022

Perfect Fit: A virtual lifestyle coach to prevent smoking and promote exercise; 2 birds with one stone!
Smoking and insufficient exercise are major risk factors for developing cardiovascular disease. Yet it often proves difficult to stop smoking or to exercise more, even for people who would like to. One reason is that support from a care provider is n...
15 September 2022

NWO interview - Predicting and preventing falls
People over the age of 65 have a high chance of tripping and falling, and medication use is most often the cause of this. However, which individuals are most at risk and how can that risk specifically be reduced? The big data project SNOWDROP is deve...
22 July 2022

Toekenningen Take-off fase 1 - cluster Commit2Data
De Take-off call is bedoeld voor ondernemende wetenschappers die willen onderzoeken of de resultaten van hun onderzoek commerciële potentie hebben. In deze calls, die zich richt op het stimuleren van bedrijvigheid, kunnen onderzoeksprojecten geld aan...
21 July 2022

Video Energy Intranets
In this video we visit the Energy Intranets project at Sympower in Amsterdam and talk to Marieke Kootte from TU Delft and Rien Dijkstra from Sympower....
16 June 2022

Data: the key to personalised care
Personalised care is becoming increasingly important in the Dutch healthcare landscape. With personalised care, we can better offer the right care at the right time. Various ICT techniques are already being used for this purpose and we can expect a l...
19 April 2022

Commit2Data at ICT.OPEN 2022
After a hiatus caused by the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, we finally had the option of meeting each other again at ICT.OPEN in Amsterdam. We, unfortunately, had to cancel our workshop 'Turn your science into reality on the first day....
14 April 2022

Project update: Designing Rhythms for Social Resilience
Designing Rhythms for Social Resilience (DRSR) is an interesting research project, where data science and social science come together. The research explores rhythm as a new methodology for policymaking, with the goal of strengthening the sharing of ...
15 March 2022

DATAREL: project update
The DATAREL project started in 2018 and includes several work packages, covering the whole process from data collection to concrete changes in logistics processes....
14 February 2022

Art DATIS: project update
Sybren Valkema was a prominent glass artist and teacher, born in 1916. Now, more than 100 years later, researchers working on the Art DATIS project aim to make his archives accessible to fellow researchers, artists and craftsmen. We sat down with Ver...
03 February 2022

Project Update - Flexcrop
“With Flexcrop, we not only add models to save energy, but we include a nuanced look at how certain we are about the amount of energy we can save. This makes the outcome of our models more relevant in horticultural practice in terms of purchasing dec...
14 January 2022

Call Take-off phase 1 Spring 2022 open
The NWO call Take-off phase 1 - Feasibility studies WO Commit2Data opened on 3 January. This call is specifically for Commit2Data projects that want to perform a feasibility study. All Commit2Data projects have until February 8 14:00 hrs to submit a ...
13 January 2022

Interest in valorization programme greater than expected
Valorisatie is niet zoals onderzoek en disseminatie vanaf de start een onderdeel geweest van het meerjarige nationaal onderzoeks- en innovatieprogramma Commit2Data. In 2019 is het programma uitgebreid met een actielijn voor valorisatie. Met het eindi...
14 December 2021

Present your research at ICT.OPEN2022
Op 6 en 7 april 2022 vindt ICT.OPEN2022 plaats. De organisatie bestaande uit NWO, IPN en PRIO streven naar een fysieke conferentie die wetenschappers uit alle ICT onderzoeksdisciplines en industrieën samenbrengt om elkaar te ontmoeten, te leren en id...
03 December 2021

How can mathematics solve your data science challenge?
Mathematics provides a surprising amount of techniques to solve challenges in data science. Does your company have such challenges but no time to look into them? Or would you like to strengthen your contacts in the academic world? Would you like to m...
23 November 2021

Adrie Bouma on the implementation of Exercise is Medicine
With this research project, the scientists and partners involved have realised a scientifically substantiated and practice-based protocol for implementation of Exercise as Medicine in hospital care. This protocol is called the Movement Step Plan. For...
19 November 2021

Awards of the Take-Off call Cluster Commit2Data
In the spring 2021 round of Take-off 33 feasibility studies are given the green light. New this year is Take-off phase 1 cluster Commit2Data, for which three feasibility studies have been awarded around big data and data analytics....
20 September 2021

Project Update Energy Intranets
In het Commit2Data project ‘Energy Intranets’ onderzoeken wiskundige Marieke Kootte (TU Delft) en energiewetenschapper Lennard Visser (Universiteit Utrecht) samen met projectpartners hoe we de flexibiliteit van vraag en aanbod beter kunnen voorspelle...
13 August 2021

DiaGame Update January 2020
Diagame is currently developed as a digital version of the boardgame Game Of Goose. Patients walk through the game in a way they recognize and which motivates them to keep playing.
03 February 2020

We are, again, one step closer to the new ‘industrial revolution’. The STW board approves six research proposals within the program Smart Industry. The research is, among other things, focussed on the realization of incredibly smart industrial proces...
22 December 2016