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Project Update - Data Logistics 4 Logistics Data
Sharing data is the cornerstone on which digital collaboration in logistics rests. Therefore, data sharing is crucial for increasing efficiency, reducing costs, and alleviating pressure on infrastructure and the environment. Additionally, digital collaboration enables the creation of new logistics concepts, leading to fresh business opportunities and solutions for challenges such as goods visibility, synchronization of planning among partners, and capacity consolidation.
DISTANT - Defending against Implementation attackS Through mAchiNe learning Technique
Chip cards such as bank cards or cards used in public transport are sought-after targets for attackers who often use side-channels to attack them. DISTANT is focused on the development of automated frameworks capable of assessing various potential side-channel and fault injection threats, originating from various sources. Such systems will provide security assessors, and especially companies producing chips for security applications, with an opportunity to detect potential weaknesses early and to adequately balance product security and implementation friendliness.
GASPADA project update: it’s all about movement
What do gnus on the African savanna have in common with cars making their way through Eindhoven? It may sound odd, but to professor Bettina Speckmann and her co-workers in the GASPADA-project gnus and cars are not that different. It’s all about movement data.
MASCOT - MeAsuring Security in Cloud OuTsourcing
In the business world and for the government, an increasing number of organizations are migrating their IT to the cloud. One of the arguments for this is security, for two commonly cited reasons. Firstly, cloud providers have highly qualified personnel trained in IT security. Secondly, it is argued that cloud providers have a distributed infrastructure spread across the world, enabling them to better provide continuity during local outages and more effectively fend off (DDoS) attacks.
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