Commit2Data was a Dutch research and innovation program focused on the application of big data research in various sectors. The program, which ran from 2016 to 2024, focused not only on academic research on applications of big data, but also on dissemination of information outside academia and valorization of research results.
An academic publication was recently published that highlights a number of projects within the Commit2Data program. Together, articles from eight selected research projects provide a good overview of the breadth of the program. Each article presents both the scientific and technological results of the project in question, as well as its economic and/or societal valorization. The opening article additionally describes the design of the Commit2Data program, highlighting its public-private nature and the involvement of various sectors. The unique approach to valorization and lessons learned from the program are also discussed in detail. The book is published by Dagstuhl Publishing in the Open Access Series in Informatics (OASIcs).
This publication demonstrates how the Netherlands' innovative public-private approach with the Commit2Data program has put it at the forefront of big data research. The digital book provides a source of insights for researchers, companies and policy makers interested in data-driven innovation.