Commit2Data at ICT.OPEN 2022
After a hiatus caused by the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, we finally had the option of meeting each other again at ICT.OPEN in Amsterdam. We, unfortunately, had to cancel our workshop 'Turn your science into reality on the first day.
On Thursday we facilitated a barista that made freshly brewed coffee for all and an area to meet other researchers and companies present. The Commit2Coffee was well received and we have had a good time seeing and talking to many seasoned and aspiring big data researchers.
We hope our Commit2Coffee has kept energy levels up to absorb all the lessons from the many presentations and talks.
Until next time!
Looking back
All plenary sessions of 7 April are now available on the ICT.OPEN platform for three months.
View all Commit2Data projects
All projects are below
Digital Art Technical sources for the Netherlands Art DATIS
Art DATIS (Digital Art Technical sources for the Netherlands: Integration and improvement of sources on glass for a Sustainable future) is a four-year research project (2018-2022) within the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research’s (NWO) Big Data / Digital Humanities program. The project is a collaboration between the Universities of Utrecht and Amsterdam, RKD Netherlands Institute for Art History, the Free Glass Foundation, and Picturae.