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Interest in valorization programme greater than expected
Valorisatie is niet zoals onderzoek en disseminatie vanaf de start een onderdeel geweest van het meerjarige nationaal onderzoeks- en innovatieprogramma Commit2Data. In 2019 is het programma uitgebreid met een actielijn voor valorisatie. Met het eindi...
14 December 2021

Awards of the Take-Off call Cluster Commit2Data
In the spring 2021 round of Take-off 33 feasibility studies are given the green light. New this year is Take-off phase 1 cluster Commit2Data, for which three feasibility studies have been awarded around big data and data analytics....
20 September 2021

Adrie Bouma on the implementation of Exercise is Medicine
With this research project, the scientists and partners involved have realised a scientifically substantiated and practice-based protocol for implementation of Exercise as Medicine in hospital care. This protocol is called the Movement Step Plan. For...
19 November 2021