Paul .J.M. Havinga
Gerelateerde projects
Bekijk hieronder de Projecten gerelateerd aan het thema Paul J.M. Havinga
DataRel - Big Data for Resilient Logistics
The Netherlands leads Europe in the field of transport, logistics and supply chain. However, the logistics sector is currently undergoing radical changes.
The Youngsters - Artificial Intelligence at the edge to support young animals for a sustainable smart farming
The first days in the life of young animals are seen as critical. Extra attention from the farmer is required: are the animals keeping warm, do they get enough colostrum and are they active enough to survive? In this project the integration of smart sensors that measure activity, temperature, weight and heartrate is looked at in order to get the required insight into the condition and risk factors of the animal with the use of artificial intelligence. Detailed information will be collected with sensors on the body as well as external sensors. These data will be analyzed in order to alert and advise the carer.