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Bekijk hieronder de Projecten gerelateerd aan het thema Big Data Digital Humanities
Smart Sports Exercises
The Smart Sports Exercises project (2018-2021) was carried out with funding by ZonMw for two years as part of the ZonMw research programme Sports and Movement This project researched and developed new forms of sports training for volleyball. To this end we worked with a special playing field: an interactive floor that can display graphics and video. In addition, the floor contains unobtrusive pressure sensors.
Certification of production process quality through Artificial Intelligence (CERTIF-AI)
Production processes can be made ‘smarter’ by exploiting the data streams that are generated by the machines that are used in production. In particular these data streams can be mined to build a model of the production process as it was really executed – as opposed to how it was envisioned. This model can subsequently be analyzed and stress-tested to explore possible causes of production prob-lems and to analyze what-if scenarios, without disrupting the production process itself. It has been shown that such models can successfully be used to diagnose possible causes of production problems, including scrap products and machine defects.
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